Rinshan Kaihou Cologne
Riichi Mahjong Club

Player Page 43

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Name:%Noël, Anh Sophie
EMA Number:02010076
Current Score:-279.0
Current Rank:72 of 72
Next Table:18

Seating and Detailed Scores

14 Masson, Aymeric 4.1
14 Bezuhlyi , Oleksii -9.7
14 Göser, Theresa 29.8
14 Noël, Anh Sophie -24.2
214 Braas, Constance 10.7
214 Noël, Anh Sophie -31.1
214 Oudshoorn, Jaqueline 28.9
214 Surilla, Charlene -8.5
315 Dąbrowski, Krzysztof 12.2
315 Beese, Peter -11.5
315 Lin, Songqing 42.4
315 Noël, Anh Sophie -43.1
414 Middelboe, Eskild 25.8
414 Noël, Anh Sophie -11.3
414 de Cotret, Luc René 9.9
414 Dari, Hussein -24.4
514 Devillez , Henri 16.4
514 Noël, Anh Sophie -42.0
514 Le, Tran Thai 38.3
514 Mönicke, Jonas -12.7
14 Masson, Aymeric 4.1 Bezuhlyi , Oleksii -9.7
14 Göser, Theresa 29.8 Noël, Anh Sophie -24.2
214 Braas, Constance 10.7 Noël, Anh Sophie -31.1
214 Oudshoorn, Jaqueline 28.9 Surilla, Charlene -8.5
315 Dąbrowski, Krzysztof 12.2 Beese, Peter -11.5
315 Lin, Songqing 42.4 Noël, Anh Sophie -43.1
414 Middelboe, Eskild 25.8 Noël, Anh Sophie -11.3
414 de Cotret, Luc René 9.9 Dari, Hussein -24.4
514 Devillez , Henri 16.4 Noël, Anh Sophie -42.0
514 Le, Tran Thai 38.3 Mönicke, Jonas -12.7
14 Masson, Aymeric 4.1 Bezuhlyi , Oleksii -9.7 Göser, Theresa 29.8 Noël, Anh Sophie -24.2
214 Braas, Constance 10.7 Noël, Anh Sophie -31.1 Oudshoorn, Jaqueline 28.9 Surilla, Charlene -8.5
315 Dąbrowski, Krzysztof 12.2 Beese, Peter -11.5 Lin, Songqing 42.4 Noël, Anh Sophie -43.1
414 Middelboe, Eskild 25.8 Noël, Anh Sophie -11.3 de Cotret, Luc René 9.9 Dari, Hussein -24.4
514 Devillez , Henri 16.4 Noël, Anh Sophie -42.0 Le, Tran Thai 38.3 Mönicke, Jonas -12.7

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